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\item {Three nodes are a k3s cluster running on Raspberry Pis with MetalLB in layer2 mode to serve as a load balancer}
\item {The k3s cluster uses Ansible to converge an Ubuntu OS and the persistent volumes are satisfied by a consumer NAS}
\item {The fourth physical node is a consumer grade hardware box with prosumer hybrid drives in a ZFS mirrored pool. The node is named megamind.}
\item {Megamind's underlying operating system is NixOS}
\item {Megamind runs its services via Nomad, Consul, Vault}
\item {Individual applications are able to publish their metrics endpoints to Consul and then have their metrics collected via Prometheseus and displayed using Grafana}
\item {Cloudflare handles DNS with subdomains routing to specific services via Traefik}
\item {The host runs a dozen applications including custom Go and Elixir services}
\item {Changing OS state is done via Nix flakes and is immutable with seamless rollback on error}
\item {Board games, rock climbing, science fiction and fantasy books, table top RPGs, programming}
\item {Bash, Nomad, Terraform, Python, Node.js, TypeScript, Kubernetes, k8s, Elixir, Nix, Docker, AWS, ECS, Helm, TCP/IP, Prometheus, Consul, Vault, Linux, Go, SaltStack, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, git, DNS, GCP, ZFS, Docker, SQL, Kafka, Grafana, cloud}
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